Richard Habelrih
Richard Habelrih is in his twenties; he lives in Sydney with his family and is on the autism spectrum.
Despite a poor prognosis, Richard has achieved beyond what was imagined by professionals. His parents were told he would never speak or walk and were discouraged from having any hope for him. Richard has overcome huge obstacles and today is an inspiring and resilient young man, intent on living life to the fullest and making a difference in the lives of others.
Today he is a public speaker, accepting invitations to speak at various events and schools. His love of public speaking began in 2015 when he received a standing ovation for his speech from Prof. Marie Bashir and The NSW Minister for Disability at the launch of the book “Dealing With Autism”.
Past speaking engagements include:
- Autism in Education Conference, Melbourne
- Lifestart Conference
- Holdsworth Gala Fundraiser
- Book Launches
- Autism and Me Event
- Closing Keynote Speaker, Autism in Education Conference Brisbane
- He regularly speaks at schools, sharing his journey and experiences with autism
- Co-creator and star of Best MATES Puppet show
- His Best MATES puppet Show has just been launched as an animation called Timmy the Turtle
- He has launched his own online chocolate business called ‘Freckly Faces’
- Timmy the Turtle will be launched as a book next year
- Richard’s art will be launched as NFTs in the coming months
Richard is also an ambassador for the A List.
Richard is also a model for the Model MATES events and has an agent for acting roles.
Richard has hopes and dreams just like everyone else. His big goal is to become independent and employed as an actor, model and speaker. He also wants to help educate society on what it is like living with autism. He is currently working towards achieving these goals.


That was the speech that started the conversation at our schools! Richard you have brought so much to Star Club... thank you thank you thank you. The children are waiting to have you visit again.