
We help schools become more inclusive by educating the students and empowering them with the tools needed.

Social Enterprise

We create events and opportunities focusing  on developing the strengths of our autistic community.  Check out our enterprise Freckly Faces


We help corporates to create a more inclusive workplace by providing training and corporate social responsibility (CSR) opportunities

Why we do What we do?

Mental Health

Prevention is better than cure. Bullying causes serious long-term emotional consequences, it’s time for preventative options using education rather than treating the problem once it manifests.


We all need a MATE. MATES is an acronym for Mates Assisting To Engage Socially, it's about fostering social inclusion in schools, the workforce & society.


Productive employment, and decent work for all is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which Autism MATES is very much aligned with.


We work on a strengths-based model. At Autism MATES we celebrate the individual and help them develop their own unique abilities. Our Model MATES events and Speaking events place our autistic participants front and centre on stage,

Why We Do What We Do

An Animation made in collaboration with a team of Autistic Creatives

The proud creation of Richard Habelrih brought to life by Autism Mates

Our Impact

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